I thought I would share my daily “spiritual” ritual. I must admit, I don’t practice it all the time because this is all new to me and sometimes I have a real bad day (although these are very scarce). I also have my routine easily accessible in my diary so I can regularly remind myself. Whilst this is my “ritual”, I did not invent it but rather I “copied and pasted” bits and pieces from different inspirational people including :-
• Kathryn Hegarty; she wrote an article which made a lot of sense to me, and changed my way of thinking “13 steps to living authentically”;
• Shann’s “Create More Peace in Your Life” which is again another “ah-ha” moment in my life
• Elizabeth Lesser’s “Broken Open”
Daily RoutineBreathe deeply for five minutes per day
Practice silence by meditating (any amount of time is good)
Enjoy nature as it is really so special
Practice being kind and gentle with everyone
Smile at everyone you meet
Let go of excess baggage, don’t hold grudges
Practice a daily act of kindness to someone worse off
Be grateful every day for something
Important to NotePay attention to life – it’s speaking to you
Look for messages in every problem – what are you here to teach or to learn?
Learn - read more and learn something new each week
Joy spotting – notice every little moment that fills you with joy
Be aware of your self talk – it’s just as harmful as tongue talk