I always thought I was on the right spiritual path - you know what I mean, the ambiance was right. I had the incense, the music, the salt lamp but something was missing. And then in 2006 I read an article by Kathryn Hegarty "The Blessing of Becoming Real" and the "ah-ha" bell furiously rang. I was not living authentically and in the article Kathryn listed the steps to achieve this :-
- practice deep breathing
- practice silence
- personal development
- meditation
- get back to nature
- be kind and gentle
- stop criticising
- meet people's eye and smile
- care for your self deeply
- gently and lovingly speak the truth
- see a counsellor if necessary
- keep a gratitude diary
- practice forgiveness.
I did write to Kathryn and told her how much her article changed my life - thank you Kathryn.

This really good! thank you for posting this.